Our new name is Spring Community Hub!

Staff holding a sign with the new name on

2021/22 was a dramatic one for nearly everyone. It certainly was for us. We were called on to be at the heart of Southwark’s response to Covid and shared more than 5,200 food parcels between March 2020 and March 2021.

We were able to respond to the challenges of the pandemic so quickly thanks to an incredible influx of volunteers, donations, funding and support.

It has put us in a position where we are able to help more people. And soon we won’t just be operating in Southwark.

So we needed a new name: Spring Community Hub.

To go alongside our new name we have also launched a report celebrating our work through the pandemic and looking ahead to a bright future.

Read our report here: 

Why Spring?

Each part of our community – the people we help, our volunteers and staff – came together to help us think of our new name. We all agreed that we provide more than a safe space to collect food. We are a place where people can grow.

We feel each meaning of Spring represents different parts of our work. A spring provides water for life, it is a season associated with growth, hope and renewal and it symbolises energy, power and progress.

We are still very much rooted at the heart of Southwark but we are now ready to grow and help more people out of food poverty.